Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Exams -.-

Hey everyone,

So the exams started! (; 
I just had my first exam (selftaught paper 1 today) and it went quite well.
I probably won't write much anymore before next year, because in 14 days I leave MUWCI! (For 2 months). It's crazy how fast this first year passed by ): 
Also I don't realize yet that next year the second years won't be here anymore. We will miss them so much. Some of them became really good friends of me. 
But...we will have new firstyears (; 
I'm really curious to see what they will be like! 
i'm gonna study a bit more, speak to u later! 
(If anyone has questions, feel free to ask, there's just not much for me to tell as everyone is studying hard :D)
