Saturday, September 29, 2012

Already one month at MUWCI

Hey everyone,
Sorry it took me so long to write the next post, but finally.. HERE IT IS (;.
So the last two weeks a lot happened because it was 50/15 celebration and Ganesh festival. 50/15 celebration was a celebration for 50 years UWC and 15 years MUWCI. There were a lot of activities, live skypes with other colleges and discussion. One day all the classrooms were designed as one of the colleges. Aishwarya, Basil and I had UWC-USA. It was a lot of fun.
In the same weekend as the 50/15 celebrations there was Ganesh festival. Ganesh is one of the biggest Gods in India (you know, the “elephant-god”) and they celebrate his birth with Ganesh festival. So they put a statue of Ganesh on a sort of truck and brought it to the river to let it go. While we were walking towards the river there was music and everyone was singing and dancing and people threw with colored powder (that is part of the tradition). Afterwards I had to wash my hair 5 times to get it all out (;

(Aishwarya, me, Bianca)
We had so much fun and it’s a pity that we don’t have events like those in Belgium, because it is a lot of fun and it brings people together.
(Sonia, Satsuki, Sisi, me and someone who I forgot the name of :s)
Yesterday there was a presentation about economics hold by Mr. Rahul Bajaj (for those who don’t know him: he is the man of the riksjas and ven’s and much more in India) and Mr. Jack Trout (also very famous in the economic world). It was very interesting and even though I’m not an economic person I understood it and I learned something from it. In the presentation there was a beautiful quote: “It is the life force which cures diseases because a dead man needs no more medicines” – Samuel Hahnemann.
For focus weekend (a weekend to help us improve our skills for the Off-campus CE) we watched a movie/documentary called ‘Blindsight’. It is a documentary about a group of Tibetan blind children who climb a mountain. It was very inspiring and I would recommend everyone to watch it. It is the kind of movies that makes you think about your life and what you want to do with it.
The last thing I want to tell you guys about is my ‘house dessert’. There is a kind of tradition in MUWCI that you have house dinners sometimes (it’s something you organize with your house so it’s not compulsory and there is no rules of how or how often it should happen). We desided to do a house dinner but everyone wanted to make desserts so we had a house dessert. It was very nice because it helps to bond with your housemates. We had a lot of fun and ate a lot of yummie desserts.
 My housemates are: Sonia-Poland, Aishwarya-India, Minjoo-South-Korea, Ranne-Brasil, Eeshta-India, Lucia-Luxemburg and Ilayda-Turkey) The first 3 are my roommates.
 (The coolest house: WADA 2 H10)
 (Ilayda from Turkey and me)
(Aishwarya-India, Ilayda-Turkey, Sonia-Poland, me-Belgium, Eeshta-India)
So, that was it for this time, byebye

Monday, September 17, 2012


Hey everyone,

I all previous posts I realized how difficult it was to give you an idea of how MUWCI is really like.. A co-year of me (from Portugal) made a video of orientation week (the first week of MUWCI) and I think it will give you an idea of MUWCI.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

let the school begin!

Hey everyone,

So since 7 days the school has started in MUWCI. As I already explained in another post, it's a different system here. We work in cycles of seven days so if for example we start with monday = day 1, then teusday=day 2, wednesday= day 3, thursday= day4, friday = day 5 and the next monday is day 6 etc. It's a little bit confusing at the moment because we have to remember which 'day' we are. every day contains 5 blocks. As you can see on the picture below.
Every block is a different subject. For example my shedule is:
A-block = free block (so I don't have any class)
B-block = English Literature and Language (Higher Level)
C-block = Philosophy (Higher Level)
D-block = Mathematics (Standard Level)
E-block = Theatre (Higher Level)
F-block = Self taught Dutch (Standard Level)
G-block = Environmentel systems (Standaard Level)
Since we are still in trial period (=one month were we can try all the subjects and activities) these subjects are not fixed yet. The idea is that we choose 7 subjects, one from each category. We can choose between the following subjects:
- English Literature
- English Literature and Language
- Self Taught from a random language
- English B
- French
- Spanish
- German
- French
- English
- Spanish
- Hindi
- Environmentel systems (ESS)
- Physics
- Biology
- Economy
- Psychology
- History
- Philosophy
- World religions
- Math studies (1 or 2 year course)
- Mathematics (Standard or Higher level)
- Furter Math (Higher level only)
- Theatre
- Visual arts
- Dance
- Film
OR a subject of the other groups (art is not compulsary).

So now I'm trying out a lot of courses to see which one I like the most. After trial period we have to decide, but if we really want to change afterwards we can.
A few days ago there was the first and second year show. These shows are organised by the first and second years. The first one was the first year show. We did a lot of dances, performances and some people sang etc. I performed an ABBA dance with a few other first years. We were dressed up in toga's made of our bedsheets.

We had a lot of fun and the second years liked our show. The next day it was the second years show. Their show was really amazing! We didn't have to do anything except dressing up. The theme was "class or swag" I went as class and most of my friends did aswell.
 (me, David, Mary) 
(Mary, me, Himaanshu, Sonia, Ivan, Jairo)
Last saturday I went to Pune. Pune is the city that is 40km from MUWCI. We went to the SGS Mall (a sort of shopping center), but I was kind of dissapointed because it was really European. So next time we will go to the market, which is typical Indian. But we had a lot of fun in Pune and we had the opportunity to buy we we needed. Here are some pictures from our trip to Pune (you can see the stores and the European look)
I think that's it for this time. MUWCI is very very very busy, so I'm so sorry I don't write a lot! But I'll try to post something at least once a week..